Happy Mothers Day!Today, I celebrate my Mother, Barbara Rothstein. She is a leader in my life. She has always been a seeker: seeking truth, seeking to know herself and seeking to know others. Like a beacon of light, she has often illuminated my way just by listening with an open heart.
I think we could all learn a lot about leadership by looking towards our Mothers, who many times, lead by example. Like Gandhi said, “We must be the change we wish to see." Inspired by my Mother, I have chosen to be a leader in my own life. We can all make the choice to step into a leadership role no matter what our “titles” may be at work.
Leadership is a quality we bring to every activity in our lives. Whether we are leaders in our businesses, communities, families or other areas of our lives, leadership is a quality of integrity we step into. When we consciously take this step, we create change.
Our world is changing, literally shifting and moving with strange weather patterns, earthquakes and tsunamis. If we listen, we can all hear the call to step up and support others. Leaders answer the call.
Business is changing as well. More and more people look towards leaders to guide them on their own path of leadership.
In these amazing times, people are drawn to those who lead with their hearts. What does this mean? It means: leaders must be real, authentic, and good listeners. Listen to yourself and let your heart be your guide. Listen to those around you and let your heart be your guide. Let your heart be your guide as you step into a leadership role in your own life.
Be Congruent. With every communication, every relationship be true to yourself. Don’t hide parts of yourself. Instead, tell your truth. More and more, people are being drawn in from a more heart centered and connected space, whether they feel the change happening or not. Choose to make a committed decision and move forward. Tony Robbins knows “Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.” Leadership doesn’t come from forcing yourself into a role; it comes from connecting to your own voice.
“The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men, the conviction and the will to carry on.” Walter Lippman
Listen In. Listen to that little voice inside. Call it intuition, spirit, guidance, source, or just a hunch, but listen to it. It may seem that it's taking you far away from where you want to be, but trust that voice. You may have to stand alone for a while, but be patient. It may be a little scary at first, but soon you will find support and be joined by others.
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Harold R. McAlindon
In order to motivate others you have to motivate yourself! You have to continuously connect to your passion and breathe that into your daily activities. You will inspire others with your energy, enthusiasm and motivation. Continue learning about yourself, continue refining your message as you build and reach out to your market. Leadership is a fluid process.
Be Compassionate. As you move in the world and your success rate increases your critics multiply and become louder. You have tapped a nerve, touched their fears and insecurities. Have compassion for them and come to peace with the fact that you may have a camp of people who are critical of your actions and your beliefs.
Practice compassion. Develop your skills. Continually connect inside with your truth and share that with the world. Focus on your appreciation and those who appreciate you, this will help you combat your critics and eventually, you might not even notice they are there.
“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
When we live our lives grounded in compassion, vision, faith and reach out with an open heart, we are leaders in our own lives! Thanks Mom.
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