Sunday, March 29, 2009

Money Will Fall Out Of Your Phone....Starting Monday

If you are the biggest investment in your business, how much are
you willing to invest in yourself?

How can you build the business of your dreams? What do you need in place to be successful? How can you reach out to ANYONE and connect to create relationships that will support the growth of your profitable business? It's easy. If you are connected to what drives you, what drives your customer and what drives your industry, and combine that with simple doable tools and techniques. You can't lose. Selling and growing your business becomes this really FUN ADVENTURE!

When you invest in The Essential Cold Calling System you are investing in your success!

Learn to think in a fresh new way to attract more clients without the hard sell using the Equation for Success: WHY + VALUE + TOOLS + KNOWLEDGE = SUCCESS!

In this 8 hour telecourse you will develop:

  • Ease and confidence so you can easily reach out on the phone or in person to anyone to build lasting relationships, the core to Essential Selling Success
  • The ability to turn "cold calls" into warm "discovery calls" that are fun to build relationships with your clients and prospects
  • An intimate understanding of why you love what you do and how that will drive you to unlimited success.
  • A deep knowledge and appreciation of your value to your industry.
  • The foundational cornerstones to build a prosperous business.
  • The skill to easily talk to anyone about your product/service.
    The ability to turn an obstacle into a new beginning.
  • A complete manual tailored to your business that includes all the documents you will need: introductions, scripts, daily planning and tracking system.

The Essential Cold Calling System breaks down cold calling and selling into simple and easy steps. Cold calling becomes a discovery expedition and you will reap the rewards. Join May's Class So You Can Start Making Money Fall Out Of Your Phone ASAP!

The class meets twice a week: Tuesday's and Thursday's at 12:00pm PST for 1 hour.

There are only a few spots left, so sign up now to Ignite your sales and ROCKET your business to success!!!

The Essential Cold Calling System is normally $600Sign up Now for The Essential Cold Calling System for the incredibly Discounted rate of $300 Sign up Now

Email: if you have any questions about building your business quickly!

Now, more than ever, is the time to invest in your
own success!

Friday, March 27, 2009


This is the problem...
We are in a very competitive market and many business owners and entrepreneurs will fail because they don't know they are sales people. Even if you are in a network marketing company, direct sales company or MLM you are a SALES person. Yes you are sharing your story, but you are SELLING!

Let's face it, everyone sells. I don't care what you do. Think about the last "persuasive discussion" you had with your spouse. I rest my case.

As an expert sales trainer with Essential Selling, I am going to share three great tools from my Essential Cold Calling System that will help you build relationships to boost sales, which is the core of Essential Selling.

  1. Pick Up The Phone. You have to pick up the phone to reach out and build relationships. The phone is one of your best and most affordable tools. So become best friends with your phone!
  2. Ask the right questions. You have to know the right questions to ask to build relationships and trust so you can build your sales!
  3. Then LISTEN for the right answers. If you listen and know what you are listening for you won't have to even "sell"!
For more information, reach out to me:

My next course, The Essential Cold Calling System starts MONDAY March 30th and is almost booked up. Contact me for a great DISCOUNT and learn how to ignite your business and rocket to success!

Monday, March 23, 2009


How many times have you been on the phone or at a client visit and
have been misinterpreted in your communication?

Did you know that 93% of what you communicate and how it is received has more to do with HOW it is relayed than even the content? Often people let their bad mood, their fear or their frustration creep into the tone of their voice. So, no matter what they are saying it will be misinterpreted or at least fall on deaf ears. Many people don’t say what they mean or what they want to say for fear of how the other person will react. Or, if they do have the courage to speak their truth, they don’t do it in a clear and concise way.

If 93% of what we communicate is not in our words, this means that your tone, your body language, your energy and your mood can overshadow the CONTENT of what you are trying to communicate! And if your words aren’t even So, on top of that, if you aren’t being clear in what you are saying and how you are saying it is probably going to be impossible to get your point across to your intended recipient.

I teach my clients to not only communicate clearly, in their words, but in their attitudes as well! Here are some helpful hints that will put you in the driver’s seat when you communicate with your clients (or anyone).

  • Listen
  • Don’t be reactive. If you find that you are upset by something in the conversation, excuse yourself and gather your thoughts, calm down and call back. Take control of the call; don’t be at the mercy of anyone else’s upset or bad mood.
  • If you are having a “bad day”, don’t get on the phone or in front of clients unless you can shift your mood/energy. If you can’t do this easily, get out of the office for a short time if you can, take a break and take a walk, read something inspirational, just clear yourself of that bad energy and then make the call.
  • If you find you are nervous or anxious about a call, then you will need to shift your mindset and write yourself a script or some bullet points that cover what you want to say. This is especially helpful for making cold calls (a topic I will cover extensively in my Essential Cold Calling System course starting on March 30th)

Just remember that you learn from your mistakes and if only 7% of what you say is content, then you don’t have to be perfect and know everything, but you do have to be up beat, clear, concise and cheerful to get to where you want to be.

Email me with your questions. I can put your question in an upcoming ezine or can answer it here.

Email me for more information on my upcoming course so that you can learn to SELL anything, even yourself to find a job!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


This may be obvious, but it is interesting!

I was on my way home from the gym on Tuesday morning and I heard something interesting on the radio. It was that successful people work harder than people who aren’t as successful. I know, I told you this was obvious! But, how do they do that? How do they have the energy and drive to work harder than your “average bear”? It is because they are passionate about what they do! This is the nugget, the hot coal that fuels them all day long.

It means that they are connected to WHY they are doing what they are doing.

Did you know that this alone is enough to get people to where they want to go? They might get there stumbling and bumbling because they don’t have the experience or tools in place to support them, but they can get there just the same. It probably will take a while.

Now, what if you add VALUE to the equation? I mean that not only do you understand WHY you are doing something, you really understand on a deep level what VALUE you bring to your industry, to your clients, your community to the people you come in contact with on a daily basis. This is great, this gives you the confidence you need to reach out and build relationships. So now it becomes a little bit more easy to reach out and build business.

Let’s add something else, KNOWLEDGE. I mean the knowledge that you bring to your industry, your customers, your prospects and your community. These three elements: WHY, VALUE and KNOWLEDGE create a very solid foundation to build from.

The final component in the equation is nuts and bolts sales tools and techniques. With this in place you can harness all that passion and knowledge and direct it properly. You know how to manage your day. You know how to reach out. You know how to follow up and have the systems in place to support your growing business.

THIS is the equation for success: WHY + VALUE + KNOWLEDGE + TOOLS = SELLING SUCCESS!

This is what I teach! I am so excited about my upcoming course: The Essential Cold Calling System™. Starting March 30th my telecourse will start and you will leave with this very workable equation and all the tools in place you need to rocket to success.

Email me for more information:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Time To Get Back To Your ABC's...

Always Be Connecting

Ok, you have read all of the articles and know the motivational quotes by heart. You stand in front of the mirror every morning repeating, “I am successful, I am successful!” You have commiserated with colleagues and had "soul searching" internal conversations. You know what you have to do to succeed in these turbulent times…you have to MARKET. You have to go back to basics. You have to get out there and meet with, talk to and call as many prospects as possible. You feel it. You tell yourself you must do something that you might not have needed to do for years or maybe never, but then you find yourself in a cold sweat. Can you even remember how? YES, it's as easy as your ABC's Always Be Connecting!

Remember a marketing or sales call is really a rapport-building call. You know what? One of the most efficient, affordable and environmentally friendly ways of increasing your sales is by cold calling. What I don't get is that somehow people would rather spend 10 hours a week at networking events instead of picking up the phone and reaching out to targeted prospects.

I don’t get this. You have to drive over to the event, sign in and pay (at $15-$20 a pop this becomes a pricey proposition at five networking events a week). Then you scan the room and read the nametags hoping to find someone in your target market that hasn’t met your competitor yet. You then try your best to make at least one or two solid connections. You get your stack of business cards and then back at the office you have to reach out to these people and guess what, build a relationship. That means you are picking up the phone anyway and you still need the same tools, techniques and systems in place to support this process.

I go to networking events and I think that they are a great way to support the growth of my profitable business. I am not saying to stop that form of marketing, but why not make even better use of your time? What if you could reach out to your target market and within an hour a day make lets say 20 calls? That’s 100 calls a week and of those 100 calls you only connected with 10%. And of those 10% only 10% became a new client. That is still one new client a week, which is 52 new clients a year. And that is only for 5 hours of work during the week. See my point? The odds are in your favor.

Come on, we know it is a numbers game, especially in this market. So, make the best use of your time. I love cold calling and when I tell people I teach cold calling they roll their eyes WAY back into their heads and then spit out, “I HATE cold calling”. I hear you. I used to feel the same way. I was terrified to pick up the phone, but now, I realize that it is an amazingly brilliant tool and used correctly can build million dollar businesses! Really, I have seen it work for me and for others. So, now I look at cold calling as something fun, an adventure and an expedition. I can teach you how to love it too! Really, I can.

In this market (or any market) what you need is to be open, creative, smart, effective and productive. I teach you how to be all of these things in business. If you want, email me and I can send you some information or we can talk about how cold calling is such an amazing tool. It is cheap, easy (once I am done with you it is) and GREEN! Come on! There is no better way out there to build business.

It’s time to go back to basics, your ABC's Always Be Connecting to increase your business in any market!

Email for more information:

Friday, March 13, 2009

What if selling were like a treasure hunt?

For Immediate Release
Contact: Carolyn Ziel

What if selling your services or business was like a treasure hunt?

Let’s face it, in today’s market finding a job or a client is a numbers game. Do you know your call ratio success rate? It takes many more calls to find a job or sell a service or product in this market. If you could increase your call success ratio by 30% to 40% wouldn’t you do that? Carolyn Ziel, founder of Essential Selling, knows what it takes to be successful in this market and she can teach you how to do the same.

Carolyn has a new method to teach people how to market themselves and their businesses in this challenging economy with her Essential Cold Calling System™. She started her own recruiting business seven years ago after working for several larger recruiting firms since 1998. Her years in the trenches of executive search have given her a unique perspective of what it takes to do business over the phone. Her phone is her best friend and most valued business tool. In a job market flooded with applicants and services, cold calling is a way to rise above the crowd and get your resume, service or company noticed. Or if you are in a multi-level marketing firm, cold calling can be your best friend. Carolyn Ziel has taught sales teams with her unique Essential Cold Calling System™ and helped them raise their sales by 30% to 40% even in what people are calling a “down economy”.

“I have been in some sort of sales and marketing role ‘officially’ for over eighteen years. I have been a successful recruiter for over eleven years and have owned my own business for the last seven where I utilize cold calling techniques to build my business.” says Carolyn Ziel of Essential Selling. “The reason I say ‘officially’ is because I didn’t always know I was in sales. Actually, it took me about a year to figure out that being a successful recruiter meant that I had to be a successful sales person. I don’t care if you own a salon, a grocery store, a lemonade stand or run your own organization within a multi-level marketing company, you are a sales person. Actually, a persuasive argument with your spouse causes you to ‘sell’ your point of view. I grew up in the entertainment industry. My Dad was in production and was a producer. I always knew that was what I wanted to do when I grew up and I did for a while. I worked on film sets and in the production offices of several motion picture studios you might have heard of and on some feature films you might have even seen. All the skills that I used on the set to communicate effectively with the crew and the actors and the skills I used to solve some pretty tricky problems are all the skills that I use on a daily process in sales.”

Just think if you could increase your profits by 30% to 40% wouldn’t you want to try this amazing new system? Thinking on your feet, researching and problem solving are the skills of cold calling. But before you even pick up the phone Carolyn has devised a system that helps you demystify the process. By thoroughly examining your reasons for doing your business you will find key emotional connections that will drive you forward to success in your business. Her process takes you from understanding why you do the business you do, to establishing your value in the market place, research, formulating your introduction and finally using all of these skills on the calls with your prospective clients.

“When I first started cold calling I was terrified. I was new to recruiting and didn’t understand the industry. My boss, Frank, had asked me my interests and I told him. They were fitness, health and nutrition. “Great, you’ll place accountants’, he boomed. Frank was very intimidating. Rumor had it he was deaf in one ear and so he spoke very loudly. I was so nervous and insecure at the time. I didn’t tell him I knew nothing about accounting. I just nodded and said, ‘Okay’. I had no training; I didn’t understand anything about recruiting and knew nothing about accounting. I didn’t even know how to balance my checkbook. I found myself in an industry I knew nothing about, selling a product (a person) that I didn’t understand. I barely understood what cold calling was and so I didn’t understand the value of cold calling. I certainly didn’t know my own value.”

“Frank explained that my goal was to call companies and have the companies eventually hire the candidate (an accountant) that I was selling (describing) to them. Of course, there were a lot of steps in the process, but first I had to just start making calls. Frank put me in a conference room and dropped a huge hard covered yellow directory on the table in front of me with a bang. He turned to software companies and said, ‘Call these companies and present this accountant’. He handed me the resume of an accountant.”
“I had no idea what to say or how to say it and with very little direction I got on the phone. Frank told me to ask for people with the title of ‘Controller’ or ‘Chief Financial Officer’. I didn’t know what they did either. When I first interviewed with Frank he told me I could be successful at recruiting. I was operating on blind faith at this point. I didn’t have enough belief in myself, but I believed Frank, he was very convincing. I just picked up the phone and started making calls.”

What stops people from cold calling? In one word… fear. Given her first experience in cold calling Carolyn really understands those fears can be debilitating and she gives you strategies to over come them. “Once you transition from fear into activity, cold calling becomes like a treasure hunt,” says Carolyn. “When you shift your focus from yourself to a place of curiosity about the other person you can really begin the process of building profitable relationships.”

When asked why she loves her cold calling system she replies, “It’s a fun way to spend to day. I’m calling with the intention of helping someone solve a problem. I know that by reaching out and connecting with that other person I am offering value to their business and their lives. It’s a win-win situation.” Carolyn believes you could be one phone call away from a financial wind fall of success. What happens if you quit before you make that last call? What treasure could you find by talking to one more person? It’s important to know how to find the treasures through building your business with cold calling. By not calling you could miss an opportunity of a life time.
For more information or to set an interview with Carolyn Ziel email: